Journeys – Westward Ho! – Part 5

 Our Story Continues . . .

(This tale has been going on for awhile.  If you’re just joining us, scroll down to chapter ONE to begin at the beginning)   

Chapter 5 – The prodigal truck is . . . delinquent . . . delayed . . . disastrous!    

Keep in mind; we’re once again working our way through the “flash forward” sequence.  We will eventually go back to the beginning and explain how all this came about (we’re almost there).   

Facebook PostApril 21 at 7:37pm   

via Facebook for BlackBerry    

Glen Allan Clark The prodigal truck is d

John – Dead…Done…?   

Chris  …damned… is “d”-bomb?   

Robbie – probably destroyed by now.   

Francie – I hope you gave it a good burial!   

Facebook PostApril 22 at 8:46am   

via Facebook for BlackBerry   

Glen Allan Clark Truck #4 arrived last night.  It got stuck trying to maneuver to go into the driveway and had to be towed out (more $).  We are now trying to locate an off site location from which to unload and transport the contents to the house in smaller vehicles.  

It ain’t over yet folks. Keep your fingers crossed for a happy ending.

Stephen – Helicopter!   

Robbie – There’s a book in here somewhere!   

Frank – go buy new stuff   

And what my wondering eyes did see, was broken promises and shattered dreams!

Glass shattered and missing; parts broken; wood scratched and gouged . . . OUCH!

Bed frame bent, scratched, and gouged; mattress filthy and torn; broken glass all around

  Facebook PostApril 22 at 8:10pm   

via Facebook for BlackBerry   

Glen Allan Clark Thanks to Carrie, Sue, Patty, Carol, Joe, and Steve truck #4 is unloaded and has been returned!  Now it’s down to negotiating the expenses (and of course putting all our stuff away).

Kelli – What an ordeal! Glad it’s almost over for ya!   

—–Original Message—–   

From: []   

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 9:03 PM   

Subject: Re: Moving to California   

Thanks to sister-in-law Carrie, her sister Sue, Sue’s friend Patty, our landlords Joe & Carol, and photographer/friend Steve, truck #4 has been unloaded and returned!!!    

Because the rental agreement was based on the truck number, the man at the Budget return facility couldn’t figure out how to close out the contract (it was too convoluted for him and there were too many trucks involved), so he’s going to “call us in the morning” to let us know that the contract has been concluded.   

When we opened truck #4 it was apparent that there was significant damage to the contents with many broken and generally messed up items.  Once the contract is “closed” we can then start the process of negotiating the extra expenses (I’m sure that will be a joy).   

Now it’s time for us to unpack, put away, organize, clean up, and get situated.   

Robin will start working at her new Tractor Supply location in Gilroy tomorrow morning and I’ve go to get my stuff together to start work on Monday.   

Hopefully sometime soon it’ll be time for us to relax and enjoy.   

Our thanks go out to one and all for your kind thoughts, words, work, and prayers. We may be wiser for our experiences, it’s difficult right now to know, but for sure we are grateful for all the support we have around us!   

God bless you!   

Glen & Rob   

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry   

From: Glen A. Clark []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: Moving to California   

Because I’ve been trying to communicate through a cell phone text messaging, I’ve been getting a fair number of Admin messages telling me that some of these messages are not going through   

I hope you all know that we care deeply about each of you and thank you all for your comments, thoughts and prayers!   

Once we can get back “online” we’ll let you know how everything is going for us.   

Thanks for your support.   

Glen & Robin   

Facebook PostApril 23 at 7:05pm   

via Facebook for BlackBerry   

Glen Allan Clark Rob unpacks a box of kitchen items (dishes, cookware, etc.) and says, “Hey there were only two things broken in this box.  That’s not bad!”   Oh boy.

Chris – I know the feeling. We’ve been uppacking since the 15th. Only a dozen or so boxes left to open.
So, where exactly is your unpacking taking place?
Or is it a secret? 😉   

Glen Allan Clark   

Chris – Our new home is in the small town area of Aromas, California (which is sort of between Santa Cruz and Monterey) . . . But yeah, you’re right It’s a secret, so don’t tell anyone! 😉   

Jan – but now that we all know…. you’re a neighbor-about 30 minutes away. welcome to the coast! enjoyed your travel journal and reading your daily updates. glad you & robin got here safe – need to join the aptos ” hagstrom-gundel-masuda” next time we get together for a glass of vino!   

Rory – Welcome back to CA…….   

April 26 at 8:54am   

Glen Allan Clark   

Jan – I’d love to join the locals for a little grape tasting and conversation. Let me know when the next get-together is and if I can be there I will!   

Facebook PostApril 28 Wed at 11:35am   

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Glen Allan Clark: We finally got the Budget rental contract closed (even though we returned the truck last Thursday)

Facebook PostApril 30 at 9:34am   

Glen Allan Clark: Our Westward Adventure – EPILOGE:

On Tuesday, Budget Truck Rental closed our contracts and advised us to send in our extra “expenses.” On Wednesday, I faxed them 15 pages totally over $1,200.   

Yesterdays they offered to credit the second truck and pay just over half the expenses.   

Now all that’s left is the DAMAGE claim.   

Glen Allan Clark10:06am   

By the way . . . The “DAMAGE” so far includes a shattered glass 5’ curio cabinet, a smashed bookcase, various pieces of destroyed china, glassware, and ceramics (some handed down from Rob’s mother and grandmothers), extensive scratches, dents, scrapes, gouges, tears, chips, etc., as well as a “missing” collection of coins and currency (that was left to Rob by her father). We’re still opening boxes so the overall tally is still increasing and there may be things missing that’ll we’ll never really know about.   

All-in-all we realize that we’re lucky to be where we are and we’re looking forward to eventually having this whole ordeal behind us.   

Thanks again for all your help and support.   

It ain’t over ‘till it’s overLawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra   

Coming next . . .     

Chapter 6 – The Unexpected . . . How did all that happen? 

Journeys – Westward Ho! – Part 4

Our Story Continues . . .  

(If you’re just joining us in our wandering tale, scroll down to chapter ONE to begin at the beginning) 

Chapter 4 – On The Road Again, I Just Can’t Wait To Get On The Road Again!  

(Cue the music Willie! . . . 

Note: Remember we’re still working our way through the “flash forward” sequence.  We have yet to go back to the beginning and explain how all this came about in the first place (but; after this chapter, we’re almost there. 

 Facebook PostApril 17 at 11:00pm 

Glen Allan Clark

The good new is . . . We’ve made it to Utah! 04/17/10

After our first stretch of "uninterrupted" driving . . . What a relief!

Cross Country Trek 

From: Glen A. Clark [] & Facebook Post
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 11:15 PM
Subject: RE: Moving to California 

Family & Friends, 

Hallelujah  . . . we were actually able to travel an entire day today without any major incidents or set backs!!!!  We covered about 600 miles today and tonight we are in Tooele, Utah (west of Salt Lake City).  We have approximately 860 miles left to go.  According to Google Maps, this should take us about 14 more hours of driving time.  I’m not sure we can make all that tomorrow (especially with the uphill climb out of Reno), but were going to give a try! 

Wish us luck! 

Glen & Rob 

Click your heels together three times, 

And repeat after me . . . 

“There’s no place like home, 

There’s no place like home!” 

Facebook Post – April 18 at 5:08am 

Glen Allan Clark: In bed at 12:30 AM then up by 4:45 AM – Here we go again! The puppies are holding up, but they are pretty tired of this routine (too)!

Facebook PostApril 18 at 11:28 am

We've made it to Nevada and the Pacific Time Zone - We're only stopping now for feed and fuel!

Facebook Post – April 18 at 7:18pm  

via Facebook for BlackBerry  

Glen Allan Clark We’ve made it to Nevada & the Pacific Time zone. We’re now in Reno with our son Justin!

John – Fantastic! Almost home! 

Linda – Almost there! 

——Original Message—— 

From: Glen A Clark 

Subject: Re: Moving to California 

Sent: Apr 18, 2010 7:36 PM 

Family & Friends, 

We’ve made it to Nevada & the Pacific Time zone. We’re now in Reno with our son Justin! 

We should be arriving at our new home tomorrow!!! 

We’re really looking forward to getting settled in and “starting over.” 

Glen & Rob 

PS – We have no internet access so I’m sending this to you from my cell phone. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry 
April 19 at 6:46am 

 Facebook Post –

via Facebook for BlackBerry 

Glen Allan Clark One moe day of driving and we should be “home.”  Next up is Tahoe, Sacramento, and the Central Calif. valley.

Francie – likes this. 

Ted – Glen, if you are anywhere near san jose… hope your travels remain uneventful for the duration. 

John – Remember in California, 55 mph when pulling a trailer and hands free when on your cell. And no texting or emailing. Welcome to CA! 

Rory – what is you eventual destination? 

Deb – One moe day?………it’s getting to you! 

Mary Alice – I just drove back from Discovery Bay CA…we passed each other.. be safe 

Facebook PostApril 19 at 10:48pm 

via Facebook for BlackBerry  

Glen Allan Clark – Nine days, eleven states, and several ” disasters” later . . . We can finally say . . . “We’re Home!”

Gloriaelena – likes this. 

Gloriaelena – WELCOME HOME!!! GOD BLESS YOU FOR NOT GIVING UP!! Much love and kisses 

Diana – WOOOOOOO!!! 

John – Yahooooo! 

Stephen – I’m sure that you are glad to be home, but I will miss the exciting daily updates. Where is home anyways. Post pictures. 

Linda – Welcome home 

 Facebook PostApril 20 at 7:12am 

via Facebook for BlackBerry  

Glen Allan ClarkThanks for your kind thoughts! 

The story isn’t over yet. We still need to unpack and all that entails. 

We’ll also need to get the other truck (24’) unloaded (if and when it shows up). We’re told this bigger truck won’t fit up the winding tree-covered dive way. So don’t worry there are still challenges ahead for us. We’re not done yet folks! . .  . 

We’ll provide photos and more as soon as we figure out how to get a real internet connection (and not just from a cell phone). 

Stay tuned . . .  

John – Geez, will this never end?!? How about this…park the big truck at the bottom of the driveway, go to Home Depot and hire some help and form a human chain and pass your stuff hand-to-hand to the house. Send Ryder an invoice. Desperate times need desperate actions. 

Deb – Great…glad you are safe and sound. What an ordeal! 

 ——Original Message—— 

From: Glen A Clark 

Subject: Re: Moving to California 

Sent: Apr 19, 2010 10:52 PM 

Nine days, eleven states, and several “disasters” later . . . I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward so much to being able to say  . . .  “We’re Home!” 

Our Story Continues . . .  

Coming next . . .   

Chapter 5 – Just When We Thought We Were Home Free . . . yet another setback!

Journeys – Westward Ho! – Part 3

 Our Story Continues . . .
 (If you’re just joining us in this tale of adventure, please scroll down and start at the beginning)

Chapter 3 – Budget Krunch or Broken Down in Denver – Disater #3

(Remember this is still the flash forward, we still have to go back to how this all go started in the first place)

Facebook PostApril 16 at 10:16am

Glen Allan Clark After working with Budget Truck Rental “roadside assistance” and two mechanics most of the morning, we’re heading out one more time (with ourfingers crossed and a prayer in our hearts)! Why do I feel like we’re in a Chevy Chase movie?

Linda – likes this.

John – You got Grandma strapped to the top of the truck?

Facebook Post – April 16 at 1:55pm

via Facebook for BlackBerry® smartphones

Glen Allan Clark Broken down in Denver – 04/16/10

John – Geez!

Gloriaelena – OMG OK seriously it’s time to just park it and set up roots there!!

The appropriately named big rig hauler “Budget Krunch” preparing to drag our rental truck (#3) off to be unloaded and repacked into truck #4 – 04/16/10

From: Glen A. Clark
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:13 AM

Subject: RE: Moving to California

Family & Friends – 

Here we go again . . .

Friday, we awoke in Wellington, Colorado.  After a number of phone calls to Budget, they agreed to send a maintenance crew to where we were to inspect and “fix” the problem rental truck we have been driving from Lincoln, NE (truck #2).  The tow truck and crew arrived and were very nice.  They added another gallon of oil to the truck, as well as 2.5 gallons of coolant and inspected the truck overall (they also checked out our other truck, #3).  They gave the truck a clean bill of health, or at least as “clean” as they could without their computer, which cost $15,000 and was back in their shop (the computer doesn’t leave the shop because it’s so expensive). 

With the consult of Jan and Charlie we decided to take the slightly longer southern route through Denver (as opposed to going north through Salt Lake City) primarily because it was felt that if we were going to have further difficulties there would be more options for services.  With the OK from the maintenance crew, we left about 12 noon and drove from Wellington to Denver (approximately 70 miles with only a few slight grades to climb).  We did this short drive without any negative incidents (no lights, bells or alarms).  As soon as we started to climb the initial Interstate 70 grade up out of Denver (and into the Rockies) the truck lights and bells went wild, and this time they were accompanied by smoke and smells of burning substances.  We pulled off the freeway at the first available exit and limped into a parking area (which we were fortunate to find) to once again call our “friends” at Budget Roadside Assistance (or Budg-R-Ass, as I now refer to them).

After several calls and waiting over an hour and a half, of course the response from Budget was that they once again wanted to unload the disabled truck and repack our belongings into a different truck (this would be the third time for us to go through repacking a truck on this trip).  Robin and I talked about it (briefly) and between us (although mostly from Rob) we told Budget that we were “done” with the packing and repacking and that they should take the truck wherever they needed to, get a crew of “real” movers, unload the truck, reload another truck and drive it out to us in California.   Eventually they agreed, and then it was a matter of waiting for two tow trucks (one to take the second car carrier and a much larger truck to tow back the loaded disabled truck).  That process took another couple of hours.

Finally, at about 6:00 PM we started out once again to go up and over the Rockies and head into Utah, with one truck, a car carrier with my car, and Robin driving her car (and, naturally, with Zenobia and Joezee riding shotgun in our respective vehicles).  We drove without further incident until we stopped for the night in Eagle, Colorado (slightly west of Vail)).  We hope to head out in the morning (Saturday) and finally get an entire day of driving done and make significant progress toward getting “home.”

By the way, while all this was going on, the PODS unit ( with the items we had shipped ahead arrived in California.  It was a very busy day there, even though we hadn’t made it yet.   The PODS unit was scheduled to be delivered between 7:15 and 10:15 AM. Rob’s sister Lynn arrived early in the morning with a couple of workers from the ranch to start the unloading process.  Our “landlords” Joe and Carol were also up and at ‘em and ready for the challenge along with our sister-in-law Carrie (with her Dad’s truck).  

Unfortunately, the PODS did not get there on time (they said something like, “Schedule changes are not unusual as “things” occur during any given day.”).  Lynn and the crew had to wait several hours until the PODS unit did arrive (around 2:00 PM . . . I think).  When the truck did arrive, the driver was unable to get all the way up the driveway to the house.  Therefore, the PODS was left part way up the drive on a neighbor’s property and then the contents were unloaded and trucked to the house (another 150 yards +/-).  So, there were challenges at both ends of our moving ordeal.  It is my understanding that by the end of the day the PODS was completely emptied and our furniture and “things” were offloaded into the house and garage.  I’m sorry to say that I don’t know who else was there helping, but we are very, very grateful to each and every person that lent us a hand through this trying day (and week). 

Wish us luck as we start out on what we hope to be the last legs of this grueling journey.

Best to all,

Glen & Rob

Our Story Continues . . .

Coming next . . . 

Chapter 4 – On The Road Again, I Just Can’t Wait To Get On The Road Again!

Journeys – Westward Ho! – Part 2

Our Story Continues . . .   

(if you’re just joining us in this tale of adventure, please scroll down and start at the beginning)

Chapter 2 – Escape From Nebraska & Disaster #2

(The flash forward continues) 

 Our “Budget” Convoy Getting Ready to Leave Lincoln, NE – 04/15/10

From: Glen A. Clark
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 11:07 PM
Subject: RE: Moving to California

Family & Friends,

Another day and we’re still in Lincoln, Nebraska (but there is light at the end of this tunnel). We spent the early morning hours today working the phones to try to get Budget to communicate with us and provide us with some assistance (with no response from Budget).  The manager at the International truck facility here in Lincoln and the manager at the truck rental facility in Chardon, Ohio also both made calls to Budget on our behalf. 

By mid-morning we hadn’t gotten any response from Budget, so we went back to the truck facility and began working by ourselves to unload and correct the “packing” the crew did the previous night. Robin and I did this work ourselves (and in the rain) until about 3:30 PM, at which time a new crew of “movers” arrived to help (and the rain also let up).  Apparently, our multiple calls, and prayers, finally got through to someone.

The new crew actually had experience with packing and moving.  It was a private company run by a father and his two sons and they were very nice and helpful.  Unfortunately, they inspected the reload and agreed that the job done the previous night was poor at best and it would be difficult to correct (unless we completely unloaded everything and started over once again).  Starting completely over would mean taking all the rest of today and probably most of tomorrow and even at that, they weren’t sure they could get everything back in the truck. 

At this point we made the decision to take advantage of the crew’s help by getting a second truck and a second car carrier (at our own expense), so we could be assured that we would be able to get everything packed. With the help of the moving crew we were able to get this all accomplished by about 7:30 PM.  We are now back at the hotel room in Lincoln, hoping to get some rest and planning on being back on the road early tomorrow morning (Thursday). 

The PODS unit with our initial load is still scheduled to arrive at our new California home on Friday, April 16.  However, with two trucks and trailers, we have at least 3 days of driving ahead of us. We now hope to arrive in California either late on Saturday or sometime on Sunday.  However, Robin’s sister Lynn has agreed to be at our house on Friday (with bolt cutter’s since I have the keys to the padlock on the POD).  Lynn is going to start unloading the PODs unit when it arrives on Friday (if you’re available on Friday or Saturday to help Lynn, or on Sunday when we should we there too, please let us know). 

We’ll have more details as we can get them, but at least it appears that tomorrow we will be back on the road again (Thank God!).  I will try to provide more updates as I can, but for now I need to get some sleep (Robin is already OUT!).

Thank you for all you positive thoughts, prayers and comments.  Your help has been a comfort to us through this entire ordeal.

We’re looking forward to tomorrow and a new day (and seeing you soon)!

Glen & Rob 

Facebook PostApril 14 at 8:12pm

Glen Allan Clark: We’ve worked all day today on unloading and reloading our rental truck. We finally had to go and get a second truck and another car carrier (at our own expense). We’re still in Lincoln, Nebraska for tonight, but it looks like we’ll be able to get back on the road tomorrow, with each of us driving a truck and pulling …a trailer (our own vehicle “convoy”) . . . that is if nothing else goes wrong.

Diana – oh dear.. i’m praying for you both that you get there soon

Paul – We are praying that you get here safe, and soon. And with no more troubles!

Frank – WOW, THAT REALLY SUCKS!!! Guess we were real lucky in our move that it was all loaded for us and moved for us, feel real bad for you guys, better times are coming, hang in there

Carrie – When is Lynn arriving on Friday?Francie – I hope you have an uneventful remainder of your journey home! 

From: Glen A. Clark
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 2:54 AM

Our saga continues . . . just when we thought it was safe to start driving again!

The good news is that by mid-morning today (Thursday) we finally managed to escape from the clutches of Lincoln, Nebraska.  With the replacement truck, a new truck and two car carriers in tow we headed back out onto the road west.

The bad news is that by late afternoon, somewhere around North Platte, Nebraska, the “replacement” truck developed problems with . . . you guessed it . . . dashboard warning lights . . . and this time warning bells too! 

When we first got the replacement truck, we were told that there was maintenance light on the dashboard that was on, but that the maintenance had just been completed and the light still needed to be “re-set.”  We were literally told to ignore it.  However, by late today there were more lights lit and then the very annoying warning bell (like driving with the seatbelt buzzer going off constantly). 

I called the facility where we got the replacement truck and explained the situation.  I was told, “GMC trucks have problems with the warning system going off irregularly, and there’s probably nothing actually wrong.  If it happens, again just pull over and turn the truck off, wait five minutes, and then start the truck up again.  That should reset the system (like re-booting a computer).”  I said OK, I’ll do that but I was concerned that one of the warning lights was for low oil.  The response was that all the fluids had just been filled, but if I wanted to check it that was OK, and if I thought I should add a quart or two to use 15-40W oil.

We managed to make it to Sydney, Nebraska (with the lights and bells coming on more frequently).  When I checked the oil, I found it difficult to get a reading on the dipstick, so I decided to be on the safe side and add oil.  I also decided to be very prepared and I purchased 3 gallons of 15-40W oil.  To my surprise, the truck took all three gallons of oil (yes that equals 12 quarts) and even after that the reading was only barely into the “acceptable” range on the dipstick.  Robin and I then went and purchased 4.25 more gallons of oil (just to make sure we were covered). 

We decided at that point to go ahead and drive another 130 miles to Wellington, Colorado and the home of friends, Jan & Charlie Cox.  Unfortunately, but not completely unexpectedly, when we headed out of the parking lot the warning lights began again, and this time whenever that happened the acceleration also came to a halt (but at least the oil light did not come back on).  It’s kind of scary to say the least when everyone else is doing 75 mph and you can’t even go 45 mph.  We decided to go for it anyway and eventually we made it (with lights and bells a-blazing).  Charlie and Jan were waiting for us (we didn’t arrive until after 11 PM).

When we did arrive, I called Budget about this new series of events, I was told to check the coolant, which is indeed was below the acceptable level. 

So, tomorrow morning I’ll once again be going to a Budget maintenance facility (this time about 25 miles from where we are) to see about getting the truck “fixed” (again).Wish us well . . . we still need all the positive thoughts and prayers we can get!

Glen & Rob

PS – There’s no place like home . . . wherever it is! 

Facebook PostApril 16 at 12:14am

Glen Allan Clark: Our saga continues . . . The good news is we finally escaped from Lincoln, Nebraska. With a replacement truck, a new truck and two car carriers in tow, we headed west. The bad news is that by afternoon, the “replacement” truck developed problems with dashboard warning lights and bells! We’ve managed to make it to Wellington, Colorado, but the replacement truck needs to go back in for repairs in the morning. 😉

John – What an ordeal!

Francie – Oh remind me of Lewis & Clark on their way to the West. I hope Clark & Clark find a solution to their logistics problems early this a.m. 

Stay tuned to this blog for more exciting action as our story continues with the next chapter – “Down & Out in Denver”

Journeys – Westward Ho!

Glen & Rob Ready to Leave Ohio and head West - 04/11/10

The Relocation Starts Here!

Life astride the straight and narrow,
Isn’t always so.
It isn’t just the getting there,
It matters HOW you go!

I have been considering starting a blog (a web log, with regular entries and insights) for some time, as a method of expression and sharing.  Until recently, I couldn’t find a focus that would make such an effort relevant.  In April 2010 my wife, Rob and I began a journey that virtually became a gauntlet, challenging us on all levels (mental, physical, spiritual, etc.).   This journey, and our experiences along the way, opened our eyes, minds, and hearts, providing the inspiration to begin this journal.   Oh, and by the way . . . I’m new at this.  So, if you have any suggestions for improvements, please let me know.   

On Sunday, April 11, Rob and I left Ohio to relocate west (back to California).  What followed was quite an adventurous series of events (and much more than we anticipated).  Nine days, eleven states, 2,940 miles, and several “disasters” later . . . I don’t think I was ever quite so happy to be able to say  . . .  “We’re Home!”     

Here’s our story . . .     

Chapter 1 – The PLAN (that didn’t come together)

From: Glen A. Clark
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 8:57 AM
Subject: Glen & Robin’s Westward Move 2010     


We have found a home to rent in Aromas, California (near Watsonville, about 15 minutes away from Glen’s brother Paul & Carrie).  We’re getting close to our relocation back to California, so we thought we’d give you an idea as to our schedule and activities.  Below is an outline of our target dates and plans.  You’ve all been very helpful and supportive to us as we’ve worked our way through everything we’ve needed to do and we appreciate your love and support.  Hopefully you’ll all continue to wish us the best and keep us in your prayers.     

Love to all . . . GRIN     

Glen & Robin’s Westward Move 2010 – REVISED    

Friday – March 19: PODS® (Portable on Demand Storage) unit delivered     

Sat – Mon – March 20-22 : Loading of PODS® container     

Monday – March 29:  Packed PODS® picked up Chardon, Ohio     

Thursday – April 8:  Pick up 16’ truck, car hauler, and trailer / PODS® arrives in Castroville, CA     

Sat. – Sun – April 9-10:  Pack truck     

Monday – April 11-12:  Glen & Robin drive trucks and trailer to California     

Thursday – April 15:  Glen & Robin arrive in California     

Friday – April 16:  PODS® delivered to Calif.  rental house              

Sat. – Sun – April 17-18:  PODS® unpacked into Calif. rental hous / Contact PODS® by 11 PM EST to end insurance     

Friday – April 23:  Robin begins work at TSC Gilroy, CA     

TBD – May ????:  Return to Ohio for remaining articles & car     

 Disaster #1 (flash forward)     

From: Glen A. Clark
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:13 AM.     

Subject: RE: Moving to California     

I started sending what I thought would be a few brief updates (about our trip west) to family members, but as the “story” has grown over the past few days so has the list of recipients.  If you’re new to this ongoing story, welcome!  If you’ve been with us for awhile, you’re already tired of this saga, and you would like to be removed from the e-mail list, just let me know (we would certainly understand as we’re sick of this as well).     

Sung to the tune of the Gilligan’s Island Theme Song . . .     

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale,      

A tale of a fateful trip,      

That started from an Ohio town,      

In a rented piece of shit.     

 From: Glen A. Clark
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:58 AM
Subject: RE: Moving to California     

Family & Friends,     

Today was disastrous for our westward trek schedule!  What started out as a lovely day quickly turned sour when we immediately missed a turn and got off track heading northwest instead of west.  The day really went south with the appearance of a simple little dashboard warning light on our rental truck.  The solution from Budget Truck Rental was for us to visit an International Truck Maintenance facility in Lincoln, Nebraska (only 40 or so miles from where we began our day).  We got turned around trying to find International so we didn’t get there until 11:30 AM, and we spent until almost 5 PM waiting for clearance to depart.  However, the “OK” never came.  Instead, we were told that a few things (including the “actuator”) needed to be replaced or we wouldn’t make it to California. But they also told us they didn’t have the parts needed and since they were backordered through out their system of locations (so they wouldn’t be able to get them for several days).       

Budget’s solution this time was to tell us that they would give us another truck.  We explained (numerous times) that we had just spent an entire week packing the truck very carefully and strategically so that everything fit and was well protected.  Budget’s response was that they would send us an “experienced moving crew” to repack the new truck. The four “laborers” who showed up for the job however had little or no idea as to how to pack a vehicle (they didn’t even understand that heavy thing go on the bottom of a stack).   All our work of the previous week of packing was pretty much a total loss.     

When I called Budget to request that the crew stop for the night (about 8:45 PM and almost completely dark outside where we were working) I was told that Budget would not authorize payment for any help except for the crew we had.  After four hours of dismantling, the first moving truck the packers had the second truck “filled.” The only problem was that about 1/3rd of our belongings were either still in the first truck or scattered about the gravel parking lot (including several of Rob’s precious antiques from grandmother and great grandmother).     

We didn’t leave the truck lot until almost midnight (when they closed for the night) and both trucks, Rob’s car, which is no longer on the car-hauler/trailer, and our belongings are still there (split between the two trucks).  We’re now in a hotel for the night (still in Lincoln, NE).     

Tomorrow we begin again (just Rob and me).  We have no idea what we will do or what may happen (the forecasted storms are also due here tomorrow, today we just had wind gusts of up to 30/40 mph). It looks like we may be in Nebraska for another day (at least).      

We really need all the prayers and positive thoughts we can get.  We’re nearing exhaustion!!!!     

Glen & Rob     

 From: Fred
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 3:42 AM
To: Glen A. Clark
Cc: Rika Clark
Subject: RE: Moving to California     

Glen & Rob,     

I am so sorry to read this and hear of your newest challenges.     

Satan apparently wants to prevent you from getting to California!     

You are and remain in our prayers.     

Fred (and Rika)     

 “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.     

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.      

“We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”     

2 Corinthians 4:7-10 (New International Version)     

Treasures in Heaven

 19“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.     

21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.     

Matthew 6:19-21 (New International Version) 

 Facebook Post – April 14 at 5:16am   


Glen Allan Clark: Yesterday was disastrous! Our truck is out of service. Budget provided another and a crew of “laborers” to repack it. They did a horrible job. At least 1/3 of our things are still in the old truck. We’ll have to redo things (or something) with no help from Budget. We’re stuck and on our own.

Chris – Wow! Great customer service, huh? I’ll NEVER rent from them. I hope you get on the road soon. I sure this is very frustrating. I can hear the F@@!xxx><!!! 

Paul – Hey Bro, sorry you guys are stuck. I wish I could come help, but that obviously won’t work. We are looking forward to you arriving in California. Now even more than before. 

Carrie – So I guess my switching trucks idea was not a good one! I should have known that the packing of it was a week-long process and everything had a place. Did everything actually end up back in the second truck? Were you guys able to leave Nebraska today?  Anxiously waiting and waiting and waiting your arrival!! Wish we could zap you here!! 

To be continued . . .